Friday, June 11, 2010

Salt Scrub Exfoliation/ "Don't people pay big money for this?"

Ohhh today.

This morning, I pulled in to DCM's parking lot, got out of my car, grabbed my knives out of the backseat and heard one of my co-workers whistle at me. While today, such a gesture is considered improper and generally meant did make me giggle because I knew who did it and that she meant nothing except what we girls all think as we dress in our chef uniforms. The oh-so flattering baggy hounds-tooth chef pants and a large black t-shirt; that will surely win the men. ;-)

Side thought: After listening to C. J. Mahaney's sermon about modesty of the heart, soul, mind and clothing, the thoughts that trail the above paragraph are much greater than this little post can handle... I will say this, though - I hold no aesthetic qualms with my chef uniform, baggy pants and all.

Back to the primary thought -
Giggles: That's the way to start the work day.

I walked into the kitchen to see what I had to do. SC assured me I would have a to-do list within a short time. "Grab some coffee while you wait on C to get here."

There would just be four of us in the kitchen today, including C.

After a brief and easily solved debate about whether hot "sludge" could go in disposable plastic cups, I had already learned something new.

And then C arrived.

"Laura, do you know how to make southwest cheesecake? No? Ok. You will make that today." SC will prepped that for me before she left.

I would truly be lost without SC.

One pint honey mustard (not the way I make it at home) - Check
One pint remoulade - Check
150 corn on the cob prepped for steaming - Check
85 potatoes scrubbed, oiled, salted, peppered and foiled - Check
"Chef, my hands feel super soft...don't people pay big money to have their hands exfoliated?"
Southwest cheesecake baked - Check
Clean up.
My day was done before I knew it.

The team at DCM is incredible...
Everyone helps everyone, even when there are only three of us doing "kitchen stuff" in the kitchen.

Starting off with giggles, cooking through a peacefully quiet morning with just the three of us - most of the time - and ending with a homemade chicken salad sandwich and yogurt lunch with SC, discussing the fabulous world of catering...

Oh, yes. And getting my first paycheck.

Today was a wonderful day.

P.S. Food fights...happen all the time. *grins*
Knives are not something we joke with - ever.

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